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Gang Rape

Gang Rape

Gang Rape
The term gang rape is involuntary sexual intercourse by two or more persons. This usually includes an element of coercion or date rape on the part of the attackers. Individuals that do not participate in the intercourse but witness or otherwise facilitate the attack will be held liable, to differing degrees, according to state laws. California, for instance, made the failure to report an attack on a child under 14 illegal.

The victim can never be blamed for rape and other forced sexual contact especially due to prior intoxication, drug use, clothing worn by the victim or any comments made the attackers prior to the assault. Every jurisdiction in the United States will protect the victim’s identity and prevent further contact between the victims and accused.

What is the relationship between date rape and gang rape?
Victims of gang rape are sometimes under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which will make them more compliant than in normal circumstances. Of course, pure coercion and physical force can be the only factors in the gang rape case, but there are typically substances affecting the victim during the assault. The use of drugs during a gang rape will entail very severe penalties added to other charges. Remember that rape does not always entail intercourse and can constituted forced inappropriate touching, fellatio and other sexual violations.

What to do if you are the victim of a gang rape
If you were gang raped or suspect that you were gang raped but cannot remember due to intoxication or involuntary drugging, you need to call the police immediately so that you can be taken to a hospital. You will be examined at the hospital and DNA samples will be taken. Washing and other hygienic actions pose the risk of destroying vital evidence that can identify the attackers.

Based on the evidence collected, the police will be able to make a determination on the possible culprits. Rape carries stiff criminal penalties and even facilitating the attack or protecting the culprits will lead to secondary penalties for accomplices and other parties to the time.What to do after the culprits have been caught

There exist many support networks and groups that help rape victims, both male and female cope with emotional and mental trauma associated with sexual violence. Experts in particular have identified fear of audiences and crowds among gang rape victims, which affect them for an extended period of time after the assault has occurred. These groups will generally contain experts on rape victim rehabilitation and will be able to facilitate healing, if possible, for the victim. Gang rapes are typically violent and psychologically damaging, which leads to increased thoughts of suicide and drug use. Studies have shown that women that have been victims of gang rape are more likely to seek help or contact the police than those that suffer from individual rape, but suffer severe long term psychological damage. They have rates of alcohol and drug abuse consistent with other rape victims.

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