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An Overview of Utilizing Computer Networks

Utilizing Computer Networks

In the past few years, the number of computer crimes has risen due to the ease of crimes utilizing computers as a tool to commit unlawful acts. These computer crimes include computer fraud, phishing scams, identity theft, cyberstalking, and information/cyber warfare. Most of the time, these tactics are carried out in order to achieve some sort of financial, personal, political, or even social gain, even though the means are considered illegitimate.


Although many computer crimes involve the use of computers for money, some criminals have another kind of agenda. A good example of a computer crime that is usually committed for more personal reasons is cyberstalking. Cyberstalking is when a criminal becomes infatuated with an individual (or sometimes more than one person) and continually uses the computer as a way to harass the victim.

Harassment can include unwanted photos, e-mails, chatting, or the criminal may do or say something via the Internet that could potentially harm the victim(s). In order to avoid being stalked via the Internet, law enforcement suggests that you do not have an obvious username/password and do not be too liberal about giving out this information.

It is also recommended to stay away from anything that could be deemed as "suggestive" (this includes: usernames, pictures, e-mails, chatting, etc.). Also, when chatting, if anyone tends to make you feel uncomfortable during a chat session or says or does anything that could be considered harassment, block them and then immediately report them to your Internet service provider.

Phishing Scams

Another scam that is a regular occurrence viewed via the Internet is what is commonly referred to as a phishing scam. A phishing scam often involves the victim being lured to a false website or an impersonator that will try to gain the victim’s trust and somehow steal their personal information. Many times, the criminal's intention involves the use of the victim's information for the purpose of invading their funds. However, there are ways to avoid becoming a victim of phishing scams.

One course of action that can be taken includes reporting suspicious or unfamiliar e-mails. Many times, e-mail accounts have an option within the browser to report e-mails as phishing scams. Also, if you receive a suspicious e-mail from your bank, or an e-mail from any bank, make sure to call the bank directly rather than filling out information online as this may be a scam to access personal data (the same also goes for any kind of loan or even a credit agency).

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