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Ohio-Based Attorney Ian Friedman Finds Satisfaction in Criminal Law

June 14, 2013 02:24pm  
Ohio-Based Attorney Ian Friedman Finds Satisfaction in Criminal Law

Cleveland, OH— For 42 year old criminal defense attorney Ian Friedman, the law bug bit him early.

“My mother would tell you I wanted to be a criminal defense lawyer when I was in the fifth grade,” Friedman told in a recent interview.  “I took a position against the death penalty during a class debate.  Truth be told, I always wanted to be a prosecutor.”  Friedman's love of prosecution was thwarted by a hiring freeze during his time in law school, but this turned out to be fortunate after all.

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“I took a job in a criminal defense firm,” he explains.  “My research in my first case revealed the government's concealment of evidence.  From that point, I knew my place was as a criminal defense lawyer.”

Today, Friedman says that the greatest challenge to criminal defense attorneys is a lack of respect for the judicial process from people both inside and outside the legal system.  “Our nightly legal commentators treat our trials more like game shows.  Politicians seek advancement by criticizing and whittling away at citizens' constitutional rights,” he laments.

“Finally, the art and practice of real trial lawyering is in peril.  Judges choose expediency over meaningful voir dire, for one example,” Friedman continues.  “I am also disappointed by the lack of creativity I see in the courtroom today.  Too many young lawyers only know what they have seen on Law & Order, and that's a shame.”

While Friedman, like most criminal defense attorneys, started out being unable to do much picking and choosing of cases, the situation has changed now.  “Today, I have the privilege of overseeing a firm of lawyers that practice across the country and overseas,” he says.  “People don't come to us with the easy cases.  They are complex, unpopular, and carry horrid penalties.  I feel that the most difficult and unpopular cases need the best lawyering.”

Friedman believes that he has accomplished his mission to fight for those who most need defending.  “If I were to stop tomorrow, I would be satisfied that I made my mark,” he says.  “I have saved innocent people from lifetimes in prison.  I have taught students at the Cleveland Marshall College of Law how to be good lawyers for years, now.”

In 2005, Friedman was declared  President of the Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and one of his missions was to change the way evidence was provided to defendants in criminal cases. This led him to create the trial strategy called “Ohio Open-Discovery.” Friedman says that the creation of this trial strategy is one of his proudest accomplishments of his career because it eliminated a prosecution tactic of “trial by ambush.” The defendant would be kept in the dark about key evidence and witnesses against them until the moment the witness testified in court. He spearheaded the open discovery movement.

One of his proudest moments occurred on July 1, 2010, the “Ohio Open-Discovery” strategy led to him win a prestigious award from the primary regional bar association. Friedman recalls, “I was seated next to my father.  He said, 'you did good, kid.  What you did will save countless lives after you are long gone.'  I have been asked many times why I did it.  Why did I give so much money, time, and energy?  The answer is simply because it was right.  That is why I do what I do.”

Ian Friedman founded his firm, Friedman & Frey, L.L.C.,  on the belief in the constitutional protection afforded all individuals accused of a crime, and that every citizen deserves nothing less than zealous advocacy by a dedicated lawyer. As a result of years of hard work and dedication to representing their clients, the lawyers of Friedman & Frey, L.L.C., have amassed an extensive number of successful results. To learn more about his practice visit


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